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Oleen Bros. are a registered / commercial cow and calf operation located in the heart of the Kansas Flint Hills.  Our Cattle Herd is built on the back of the complementary  Horned Hereford and Black Angus breeds and we are resolute in surpassing last years cattle crop with the next.  We breed both in the spring and fall, with a majority of our registered herd calving in the fall.  We expect our cows to do more than just wean off a big calf and breed back every year.  Our cows must produce a calf that will perform in the feedlot, on the rail and on the dinner plate.  We emphasize maternal strength in our operation because a strong producing cow is the bedrock of any good herd.       
Our cattle are grown without the aid of creep feeding or high roughage.  This is to assure us as well as our customers that we maintain a herd rich with strong mothers that milk and only the most desirable traits are passed down to future generations.  When it comes to our Registered Herd, Positive Performance for all aspects of beef production is demanded.  Birth weights, 205 day weights and yearling weights are recorded.  We provide performance EPD's as well as herd contemporary ratios.  Before the sale, we semen test our bulls and take scrotal measurements.  You, the buyer, are Guaranteed a Breeding Season with an Oleen Brothers' Bull.

​Our firm belief in gathering performance information on all of our cattle has led us to be involved in several different venues.  We are participants in the Kansas Carcass and Performance Test, National Reference Sire Program and are founding members of U.S. Premium Beef with 200-450 cattle fed processed yearly through this program.


March 25th is the fourth Monday in March with the 2024production sale marking our 38th consecutive sale.  The sale features Horned Hereford and Black Angus Bulls,  

F1 Black Baldy Heifer Pairs, Hereford Heifer Pairs, as well as Angus, Hereford and Black Baldy Fall Bred Heifers.  We are also  AQHA breeders with some amazing blood lines anyone would be proud to call their own.


Oleen Belief. . .​ Over the years, we have carefully formed opinions about the Angus and Hereford cattle we breed along with our thoughts on how our industry could better serve our customers.  We don't straddle the fence at Oleen Bros.  You will always know which side we stand on!  Our strong beliefs in the importance of heterosis and support of the F1 Black Baldy along with our insistence that performance testing is an essential tool led us to join with other like minded progressive Hereford breeders to form PTP.  That acronym stands for "Progress Through Performance."  


Above all else   -  Oleen Bros.  stands behind it's product. You can purchase knowing full well that we don't sell anything we wouldn't use ourselves and guarantee our cattle.



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